
Dear Parents & Students,

Welcome to SRM Public School !!

In the demanding scenario of education especially school education as a whole, needs a relook and a re-thinking.

Schools are no longer considered as a knowledge gathering center and teachers are no longer looked as Gurus.

To meet this ever changing trend, we at SRM Public School focus on bringing out global citizens who are nurtured spiritually , physically , morally and emotionally balanced individuals.

While SRM has a distinguished record of service in the field of education and in the over all development of individuals through its devoted and dedicated work force, it is our responsibility to maintain this momentum and sustain the quality to ignite the younger generation with zeal to achieve their goals.

The invasion of technology has left a paradigm shift in children from mere subject learners to building skills – both hard and soft – that would support them as life-long learners. To meet this dynamic trend, teachers have to be tech-savvy with a human touch.

We invest an equal amount of time in our teachers too who in turn shape our students’ future. We equip them with the latest technological tools, guide their professional development and ensure a productive and positive work environment for them to be able to exercise the full measure of their experience and knowledge for the benefit of the students and their own selves.

We also acknowledge that parents are crucial partners in our children’s development. Maintaining a system of constant collaboration and open dialogue with them augments a meaningful educational journey that we collectively work towards setting our students on.

I encourage students , teachers and parents to seize every opportunity that pervades and permeates our campus, to discover your talents and potentials and map just not your career but your life path too.

Dr. K. R. Maalathi


SRM Public School

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